International Conference on Pervasive Computing
Advances and Applications-PerCAA 2018
(Approval in Process)
(24-26, August 2018)

Keynote Speakers:

Sajal K. Das is the chair of the Computer Science department and the Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair Professor at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T). During 2008-2011 he served the US National Science Foundation as a Program Director in the division of Computer Networks and Systems. His research interests include Wireless and Sensor Networks; Mobile and Pervasive Computing; Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Environments; Smart Healthcare and Smart Grid; Big Data; Parallel, Distributed and Cloud Computing; Security and Privacy; Systems Biology; Social Networks and Social Computing; Applied Graph Theory and Game Theory. He did his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, from University of Central Florida in 1988, Masters from Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore in 1984 and Bachelor degree from Calcutta University in 1983. His research on wireless sensor networks and pervasive and mobile computing is widely recognized as pioneering. He is a Fellow of the IEEE. He is editor of many ACM and IEEE Conference proceedings and transactions. He has published 670+ papers, gathering 25,200+ citations according to Google Scholar, and 50 invited book chapters. He is one of the most prolific authors in computer science according to DBLP. His current h-index is 76. He has received large number awards for his academic and service achievements from various national and international recognized organizations. He is founder and Cofounder of many reputed International Conferences.

Contact Information:

Address: 325B Computer Science Building, 500 W. 15th Street, Rolla, MO 65409
Phone: (573) 341-7708
Email: [email protected]

Mohan Kumar's Kumar’s current research interests are in pervasive and mobile computing and parallel and distributed computing. He has been the Chair of the Department of Computer Science at RIT since Fall 2013. Prior to joining RIT, he served as Professor and Director of the computer engineering program in the department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Texas at Arlington. He initiated pervasive computing research activities at CSE@UTA in 2001 and directed the Pervasive and Invisible Computing (PICO) lab. He was the lead PI in three NSF projects: Collaborative virtual observation in dynamic, heterogeneous environments; Distributed Opportunistic Computing; and Middleware Framework for pervasive computing. He was a Co-PI in three additional NSF funded projects. He was a Co-PI in a project funded by the AFRL on Middleware for Dynamic Distributed Repositories
During the summer of 2013, Kumar was on a Office of Naval Research (ONR) Summer Faculty Fellowship. He visited the Institute for Informatics and Telematics (IIT) National Research Council (CNR)Pisa, Italy in 2000, 2008 and 2010, and the the National University of Singapore in 2008. He co-founded the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom) and the Elsevier's Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal. He is now on his second term as the Chair of the Steering Committee for PerCom. In the past, he has served PerCom in various roles - Program Chair (PerCom 2003), General Chair (PerCom 2005 and PerCom 2012), and Steering Committee Chair(2007-10). Also, he was the Co-General Chair of IEEE World of Wireless and Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM) 2008. Mohan is a senior member of the IEEE.
Kumar has received funding of over 7 million dollars as a PI or Co-PI in several completed and ongoing projects funded by the NSF, The Air Force Research Laboratory, Texas ARP, the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the Defense Science and Technology Organization (Australia). Published more than 175 articles in refereed journals and conference proceedings. Supervised 17 PhD dissertations and 32 MS theses. Original research contributions include algorithms and mechanisms for: Opportunistic Distributed Computing; Service Composition in Pervasive and Dynamic Systems; Information Fusion in Sensor Systems, Pervasive and Sensor Systems Middleware; Caching and Prefetching in Mobile and Distributed Systems; Active Network Based Mobile IP Enhancements; Extended Hypercube Architectures for Parallel Processing; Parallelization of Artificial Neural Network Algorithms; and Dual-ported RAM based Communications in multi-processor systems. His H-index - 29; i10-index – 68.
Mohan obtained his Ph.D and MTech degrees from the Indian Institute of Science in 1992 and 1985 respectively and the BE degree from the Bangalore University in 1982. During 1992-2000, he served as a faculty at the School of Computer Science, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia. At Curtin University, he received the Vice-Chancellor's Excellence Award in 1999. His doctoral dissertation on Extended Hypercube architecture received the Best Dissertation award for the year 1991-92.

Journal Editorships:

Area Editor, Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Area Editor, Computer Communications

Areas of Current Interest (Research):

Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Opportunistic Networking and Computing
Sensor Systems
Parallel and Distributed Computing

Sanjay Kumar Madria received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India in 1995. He is a full tenured Professor, Department of Computer Science, at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly, University of Missouri-Rolla), USA. Earlier he was Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA. He has published more than 230 Journal and conference papers in the areas of mobile computing, sensor networks, security, cloud computing, etc. He won five IEEE best paper awards in conferences including IEEE SRDS 2015, IEEE MDM in 2011 and 2012. He co-authored a book entitled "Web Data Management: A Warehouse Approach" published by Springer-verlag. He guest edited WWW Journal, several Data and Knowledge Engineering Sp. Issues on Web data management and Data warehousing. He was founding Program Chair for EC&WEB conference series. He served as a general co-chair of Mobile Data Management conference in 2010, IEEE Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Systems in 2012 and PC co-chair of MDM 2015. He serves in steering committees of IEEE SRDS and IEEE MDM. He is serving/served as PC member of various conferences such as VLDB, MDM, CIKM, ICDCS, and reviewer for many reputed journals such as IEEE TKDE, IEEE Computer, ACM Internet Computing, IEEE TMC etc. Dr. Madria has given tutorials on mobile data management in many international conferences like Middleware, MDM and SRDS. He is regular invited panelist in NSF, NSERC (Canada), Hong Kong Research Council and Sweden Council of Research. He received UMR faculty excellence award in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015, Japanese Society for Promotion of Science invitational fellowship in 2006, and Air Force Research Lab's visiting faculty fellowship from 2008 to 2016. He was honored with NRC fellowship in 2012-2013 by National Academies. His research is supported by multiple grants from several agencies such as NSF, DOE, NIST, AFRL, ARL, UM research board and from industries such as Boeing. He is IEEE Senior Member, served as IEEE Distinguished speaker and currently he is a speaker under ACM Distinguished Visitor program. He is ACM Distinguished Scientist and IEEE Golden Core Awardee.

Contact Information:

Address: 319 Computer Science, ROLLA, MO 65409, 573/341-4856
Email: [email protected]

Nilanjan Dey, PhD., is an Asst. Professor in the Department of Information Technology in Techno India College of Technology, Rajarhat, Kolkata, India. He holds an honorary position of Visiting Scientist at Global Biomedical Technologies Inc., CA, USA and Research Scientist of Laboratory of Applied Mathematical Modeling in Human Physiology, Territorial Organization Of- Sgientifig And Engineering Unions, BULGARIA, "Honorary Research Scientist" of Laboratory of Graph and Bioinformatics Algorithms (LGBA) - National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan. Associate Researcher of Laboratoire RIADI , University of Manouba, TUNISIA. Research member of Polytechnic of Porto. He is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IGI Global), US , Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Synthetic Emotion (IGI Global), US, International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IGI Global), US, International Journal of Natural Computing Research, (IGI Global), US, Series Editor of Advances in Geospatial Technologies (AGT) Book Series, (IGI Global), US, Associate editor of IEEE ACCESS, Executive Editor of International Journal of Image Mining (IJIM), Inderscience, Regional Editor-Asia of International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics (IJIEI), Inderscience and Associated Editor of International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, IGI Global. His research interests include: Medical Imaging, Soft computing, Data mining, Machine learning, Rough set, Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, Modeling of Biomedical Systems, Robotics and Systems, Information Hiding, Security, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Atherosclerosis. He has 15 books and 300 international conferences and journal papers.

Contact Information:

Address: New Town Mega City, Rajarhat, Kolkata, West Bengal 700156
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Organized by:

Organized by PU & MNIT

Important Dates:

Description Dates
Last Date of Paper Submission: March 31, 2018
Acceptance Notification : June 30, 2018
Camera Ready Paper Submission: July 10, 2018
Last Date of Registration: July 24, 2018

Technically Sponsored by:

Technical Sponsored by IGI Global
Technical Sponsored by IEEE Student Chapter Poornima University

Selected Extended Post Conference Papers will be published in:

Technical Sponsored by Ambient Computing and Intelligence & Natural Computing Research